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Is That Really You?
By Joel Osteen - Aug 05, 2022
Inside every one of us is a blessed person who is confident, valuable, talented, and disciplined. The Scripture says, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). The word “fearful” in the original language means to stand in awe, to reverence. When God created you, He stood back in reverence. He looked at you in awe. He calls you “a masterpiece” (Ephesians 2:10). God didn’t make anyone average or with a bunch of flaws that make you angry, insecure, jealous, or impatient. No, you’ve been exceptionally made. You are one of a kind.

But as we go through life, we make mistakes and develop bad habits. People do us wrong, shame comes, guilt and insecurity come. We feel condemned, not valuable. But underneath the bad breaks and failures, there’s the true you, the one God created. The true you is the blessed you, the happy you, the successful you, the forgiving you, the confident you. It’s still in you. The beauty of our God is that He never loses the vision of the true you. He still remembers the reverence He felt when He created you. Despite the flaws and weaknesses, He still sees the masterpiece you really are.

But life tries to put impatience, jealousy, compromise, and bad breaks on us to keep the true you from coming out. The good news is that God is not going to leave us like that. He’s going to keep working on us, making us, molding us until the true you comes out: the free you, the blessed you, the patient you, the victorious you. God specializes in removing everything that’s not the true you.

Now, you need to get in agreement with God. You need to see the free you, not the defeated you, the depressed you, the hurt you. You may have gone through bad breaks, and it’s easy to carry those hurts, to let them limit your vision, to carry the shame and go around feeling unworthy as though you don’t deserve to be blessed. Don’t believe those lies. What people did to you didn’t stop the true you. What wasn’t fair didn’t change who God created you to be. He’s in the process right now of removing everything that’s not the true you. The anger and bitterness are not the true you. It may be that way now, but you’re about to see it come to an end. The true you is calm, cool, and collected. The true you is peaceful, loving, and kind. The true you is about to come out. What’s holding you back is being broken. Strongholds are coming down. The shame is being removed. You’re about to step into favor, freedom, restoration, and become the masterpiece God created you to be.
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