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Eyes Lifted Up
By Victoria Osteen - Jul 26, 2022
It's easy to allow an event or a circumstance in our life to define us--maybe it's a broken marriage, maybe the loss of a position, maybe an addiction. We wrongly think, "There's nothing I can do to ever get out of this or make things better." Sometimes we can get so discouraged by our circumstances that we give up and lose hope. Because we don't see where we're going, we just stop and settle right where we are.

What you have to realize is that where you are right now is not your final destination. If you're going to see the fullness of God's promises in your life, you have to develop the ability to see beyond where you are right now. God has amazing things in store for you, but your eyes have to be lifted up to see Him and what He is doing.

Think about how God called Abraham in Genesis 12 to leave his father's home and go to a place that He would show him, declaring that He would make of Abraham a great nation. But Abraham took his nephew Lot with him, and when they found a place to settle, they had so much livestock between the two of them that the land could not support them. When Abraham gave Lot the first choice of the land, Lot picked the lush vegetation of the Jordan plain, leaving Abraham with the meager pastures and stones in the high country. It's interesting that at this moment, the Lord said to Abraham, "Lift up your eyes now and look from the place where you are" (Genesis 13:14). He was saying, "Abraham, lift up your eyes and look beyond the dirt and dust, because it's not your final destination. You will be a great nation. Get a vision of what I've called you to accomplish." With the adversity before him, Abraham had to choose to either believe God or get stuck in his circumstances. He chose to lift his eyes of faith and see the promises of God, which he continued to do throughout his life.

God is declaring great things over you today, but if you're going to see the fullness of His promises in your life, you're going to have to develop the ability to see beyond where you are right now. God is saying, "Look up. I made you for more." Don't get stuck in your circumstances, but realize that beyond what you see are greater heights, greater victories, greater strength, and greater anointing. Where you are is not your final destination. You're on a journey. Keep your eyes lifted up. God has amazing things in store for you.
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