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How the Extraordinary Happens
By Victoria Osteen - Jul 19, 2022
I'm wondering today if you sometimes fall into the same trap that I do on occasion. I want to believe for something really big in my life and pray a big prayer, but then I look at myself and think, "Could that really happen to me? Can I accomplish that? Why do I think I have what it takes?" Too often we limit God because we don't feel we have the resources or the connections or the experience to do something extraordinary. We forget that our victories are not going to be won through our own strength. Our victories are only going to be accomplished by God's gracious hand of favor on our lives. That's what will bring about the extraordinary.

Think about Moses. He was born into slavery and his family had no resources. When he was born, he was supposed to be killed by orders of the Pharaoh, but he was spared and ended up being raised in Pharaoh's daughter's palace. What was that? Later when he tried to come to the aid of one of his fellow Hebrews, he had to flee Egypt, and for the next forty years he held the position of a shepherd in the wilderness. He could have easily felt his life was a waste, but God called him to go back and liberate the Israelites even though he felt totally incapable. Yet he did! When it looked like Pharaoh and his army would destroy them at the Red Sea, it was Moses who raised his rod, the waters parted, and the Israelites were saved. If you read about the life of Moses in today's newspaper, you'd say, "That's crazy sensationalism! That couldn't have happened."

So how did it happen? How did Moses come out of nowhere to liberate an entire nation? Psalm 90 is a beautiful prayer that was written by Moses, and in the last verse he says, "May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us." Moses knew that what he accomplished was simply due to the gracious hand of God's favor that was on his life. By himself, he had no resources, no position, and no connections to make it happen.

God is looking for men and women who believe they have the favor of God in their lives. Let's believe for God to do extraordinary things in our lives. God created you to be special. He's placed something on your life that gives you the advantage. What's going to bring about the extraordinary is God's gracious hand of favor. Receive His favor today as a free gift, then receive it again tomorrow, and know that you can accomplish extraordinary things!
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