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Live Close to God’s Heart
By Victoria Osteen - Apr 26, 2022
Have you ever had someone go so far out of their way to make you feel special that it made you want to do something even more special for them? I believe that's the way it is with our heavenly Father. He wants us to do the things that express our love toward Him and others, and when we do them, it moves Him. It moves His hand of blessing. When we say to God, "I not only give You my praise, but I'm going to show You my thankfulness by my expressions and my actions toward others," He is moved by that. There's nothing closer to the heart of God than His children doing something good for someone else.

There is a principle in God's Word that says, "The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who help others are helped" (Proverbs 11:25). We are blessed by Almighty God so we can go out and express our blessings through our actions and words. When you do something for someone else--take them to a doctor's appointment, pick them up when their car is broken down, call them, cheer them up, do something that no one else can do for them--God's going to do special things for you. When we make someone else's day, we're saying, "God, thank You for making my day," because when you make someone else's day, God will make your day. When God sees you blessing others, He blesses you, and there are no blessings to compare to the blessings of Almighty God.

The writer of Hebrews says, "Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God" (Hebrews 13:16). You might look at your bank account and think you don't have enough to share with someone else who is in need, but that's when God says, "No matter how you feel, when you pass this good on to someone else, it becomes a pleasing sacrifice of praise to Me." When you please God, the Scripture says that He will do things for you that you cannot do for yourself. When you please God, He'll make even your enemies be at peace with you. When you make pleasing God your highest priority, you'll see your life go to new levels.

God put us on this earth to not only live for the praise of His glory, but to be His hands, to be His feet, to be His kindness, to be His compassion to others. We all need to go out every single day and say, "God, I offer You my sacrifice of praise, and I want to show You my gratitude through loving expressions toward others. Show me how I can bless others today." That's what pleases the heart of God.
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