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Close the Door
By Victoria Osteen - Aug 03, 2021
It's easy to think that we're so busy with the constant demands of responsibilities and distractions that we really don't have time to develop the personal relationship with God that we'd like. Do you ever wonder if it's even possible?

Think about the life of Jesus. Everywhere He went there was always something or someone demanding His attention. He was healing someone, feeding multitudes of thousands, teaching on the hillsides, instructing His disciples, and facing religious leaders who questioned everything He did. Yet in the midst of an unbelievably busy life, Jesus maintained a habit that is an example for us to follow. Mark 1:35 says, "Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray." He often withdrew from the busyness of the day to quiet places where He could connect with His Father in heaven. He also tells us in Matthew 6, "When you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." Jesus was saying, "Not only do I need to get away to be with My Father in secret prayer, but so do you. And know that when you do, the great unseen God will reward you."

Jesus had to purposefully disconnect from all the demands on His time to be alone with His Father and be strengthened and encouraged. It's not easy to disconnect these days. Our families and jobs keep us busy enough, but then there's friends, social media, trending news, and the sports and entertainment world. Just like Jesus had, there's always something to pull you away. Always.

The only way you can develop an intimate relationship with God, a relationship where you hear His voice and let Him mold and make you into the person He wants you to be, is when you push away the distractions and simply spend time with Him. Perhaps you take a Scripture and just ponder over it and listen to what He is saying. Perhaps you sit quietly in His presence and say, "God, I love You today. Thank You for this day. Father, I want You to reveal more of Yourself to me." Whatever that intimacy looks like for you, the only thing that will satisfy the needs of your soul and give vision for your life is to set yourself apart and be alone with God.

Make prayer a priority in your life. If you don't carve out time from your schedule, it will get away from you. You need to spend your time wisely; you need to spend time with God. He's waiting for you.
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