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Stop Looking Back
By Joel Osteen - May 14, 2021
It's easy to get stuck in life. When we've gone through disappointments and setbacks, we can settle where we are and think this is as good as it gets. But God says, "I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?" (Isaiah 43:19). He didn't create you to get stuck at one level and stay there. He has new opportunities, new relationships, new favor. It may look as though you'll always struggle in your finances or always have to live with a sickness, but God is saying, "I'm doing a new thing. I'm bringing promotion and increase. I'm breathing energy, vitality, freshness into your body. You're about to see a turnaround." Now you have to do your part and receive the prophecy. You can't go around thinking you're stuck and the problem is too big. Turn it around and say, "Lord, I believe what You promised. Thank You that You're doing something new in my life."

Isaiah's prophecy was directed to the Israelites when they had been in captivity in Babylon for many years. They had made mistakes and brought the trouble on themselves. I'm sure they thought, "Have you seen how powerful our enemies are? We're stuck. We'll never be free, never own our own houses, never live an abundant life." But God says, "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing." The principle is that if you're dwelling on the past, you won't see the new thing. If you're focused on who hurt you and what wasn't fair, you'll miss your destiny. Living in regrets will keep you from new opportunities. Reliving your mistakes will stop the new favor. As long as you're looking back at the old, you won't see the new. When you drive your car, there's a big windshield in front of you and a very small rearview mirror. The reason it's so small is because what's behind you is not nearly as important as what's in front of you. Where you're going is what matters, not where you've been.

When someone hurts you, if you keep thinking about it, you're letting them continue to hurt you. Don't give them your power. You have to let it go. Give it to God. He saw what they did. He saw your tears, your heartache. He has beauty for the ashes, but you have to let go of the ashes before you can see the beauty. God says, "You give me the ashes, you quit dwelling on the hurts, you forgive them, you move forward with your life, and I'll give you the beauty." The new thing God has for you--the new people, the new opportunities, the promotion, healing, influence--will be better than you ever dreamed.
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