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Happy New Year!
By Victoria Osteen - Jan 01, 2019
Welcome to 2019! This new year presents new opportunities, new reasons to give thanks to God, and new opportunities to serve Him. So often, at the first part of any new year, people are coming out of the daze of the holiday season feeling focused, determined, and ready to accomplish their goals and resolutions. But if we’re not careful, before long we’ll find ourselves slipping back into our old routines and habits. Why don’t you decide that this year is going to be different? Let this year be the year for you to break free from those things that have held you back once and for all. God desires for you to be free from every weight and bondage of the past.

The prophet Jeremiah tells us that God’s mercy is available every single morning. Not just once a year, not just on special occasions, but His mercy is new with every sunrise. New mercy means that you haven’t received it before. It’s empowerment that you haven’t experienced yet. It’s greater levels of favor, grace and anointing to equip you to fulfill what He’s called you to. Mercy doesn’t just save us from punishment that we do deserve, it empowers us to receive blessing that we don’t deserve!

Today we want to encourage you, as you write your resolutions, goals and dreams, to meditate on the fact that God is a good God. He is with you and for you. His mercies are new every morning. Always remember, no matter what happens, no matter how many times you fall, He will empower you to get back up again. Anytime you need a new beginning, simply call on His name. You don’t have to wait for the new year to have a new start with God! Because of the blood of Jesus, every day you can receive His mercy, hope, love and forgiveness and be empowered to embrace the life of victory He has for you!

2019 is your year to rise up higher in your relationships, health, finances and most of all, in your walk with God. As you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you. Receive it by faith and declare, “Yes, God, Your mercies are for me today. I’m not going to get stuck in the old. I know You’re a good God, and You have something new coming my way in 2019!”
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