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Faithful in the Small
By Victoria Osteen - Oct 16, 2018
When Joel’s father, John, was in the latter years of his pastoring, I would routinely drive to his house on Sunday mornings and take him to church. One morning he and I came into the back of the church, and the woman who did his hair and makeup for the television broadcast told him that her husband had gotten a job transfer and that this was her last Sunday. I remember John sitting there, thinking about it, and then he looked at me and asked, “Victoria, can you do my hair on Sundays?” Though I had very little experience, I said yes, being promoted beyond my chauffeuring job to hairstylist for the John Osteen Lakewood Television Productions!

A while after I made that commitment, I received an invitation from loved ones to a special event in another state. They had put a lot of effort into arranging the event, and I really wanted to go, but it was planned for a Sunday. When I told them I couldn’t make it because of my Sunday commitment to the church, they were understandably disappointed. But later I heard back that some of them didn’t think my job was very important, and others thought I should be doing more in the ministry. They weren’t being mean-spirited about it. They just thought my job description should be different.

To be honest, though, that hurt my feelings, and I got a little discouraged at first. But then I made a decision to let that go because deep down in my heart I heard the words, “Just be faithful in the small.” So I determined to be the best TV Production Hair Person there has ever been! And for several more years of Sunday mornings, I picked up my father-in-law, drove him to church, and did his hair. What I didn’t realize was that I was building something extraordinary into my life. It built commitment into my life and caused me to be able to understand ministry life and gave me vision. Through all those years of doing what some people thought was unimportant, God was building extraordinary in me so I can do what I do today.

Don’t let someone else’s definition of success determine your future. The assignments that you’re called to do are distinct to your calling. The person who isn’t impressed by what you’re doing doesn’t realize that God is preparing you for greater opportunity. God blesses faithfulness. We have to pass the faithfulness test if we’re going to go on to greater things. So give it your all. Be your best every day!
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