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Declare Freedom
By Victoria Osteen - Jul 05, 2018
This week in America we celebrate Independence Day, which marks July 4, 1776, as the day our Founding Fathers declared our freedom as a nation. What’s interesting is that though the Declaration of Independence was signed that day, it wasn’t until many years later that our nation actually experienced freedom. There were battles raging, but the people were celebrating their decision to fight for freedom! They declared their freedom first, and then they stood their ground until they had the victory to live as free men and women.

Today you may not feel free. There may be some things that you are fighting, things that you want to get free from—addictions, anxieties, lack, fear. No matter what battle you are facing, let this be the day you declare your freedom! The apostle Paul says, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery” (Galatians 5:1). You may have to stand and press through for a little while. You may have a spiritual battle on your hands, but know that freedom is yours the day you declare it! Let freedom ring loudly in your life and embrace the victory He has in store for you!

As we celebrate our freedom with family and friends today and honor this significant day in history, let’s also celebrate our spiritual freedom. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed! Let’s declare the freedom that God has already given to us! Say out loud today this Freedom Declaration:

“Because of Christ, I am blessed. I am prosperous. I am strong. I am healthy. I am talented. I am creative. I am confident. I am secure. I am disciplined. I am focused. I am free from the past. I am free from fear. I am free from condemnation. I am free from addictions. I am free from lack. The right people are in my future. The right opportunities are headed my way. I will accomplish my dreams. I will overcome every obstacle. This is my year! Things have shifted in my favor. I am the redeemed of the Lord, and I say so today. I am free in Jesus’ Name!”
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