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The Living Water
By Victoria Osteen - Jan 19, 2018
I love the story in John 4 of the Samaritan woman who came to the village well around noon one day, and Jesus was there waiting for her. She came to the well at the hottest part of the day, trying to avoid people because she had a bad reputation. When she came near to Jesus, He began to talk to her, which surprised her because the Jewish people of the day despised and didn't associate with the Samaritans. She slowly but surely eased a little closer and began to listen to what He said. Jesus was offering her salvation that day, which He called "living water, a spring of water welling up to eternal life." Then He began to ask her about her life, and He revealed that He knew she had been married five times and that the man she was living with then was not her husband. She couldn't believe it! Jesus knew everything about her bad reputation, and yet He was still talking to her and even offering her "living water"! She felt the closeness! He was saying, "I know everything about you, and I still love you. I want to give you the living water that will fix every problem you have…or ever will have."

She was so touched by this revelation that she ran back into town to tell people about this man. "There is a man at the well who knows everything I've ever done and yet He loves me!" This woman had been an outcast. People had shunned and labeled her. But she was so confident that Jesus was the Messiah that she stripped off all those labels and ran to tell the very people who judged her! This brokenhearted woman, who had been crushed by the trials of life, did not care what they thought and only wanted them to experience His love. And because of her testimony, "Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him" (John 4:39).

Psalm 34:18 says, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." He doesn't shun you or even criticize you. He doesn't look at what you're doing wrong, throw His hands up, and walk away. No! He draws near to you in love. Even in the worst of your times, you get the best of your God! He says, "I have the living water for you every single day. I'll never retract My love or be distant from you. I'm drawing near to you even now, so let Me erase every negative label that people have put on you, heal your broken heart, and fill your thirsty soul!"
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