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What Was I Thinking?
By Victoria Osteen - Dec 12, 2017
When I was a little girl, I loved to make cards for my parents. I would draw my signature butterflies and flowers all over these handmade cards and tell my parents how much I loved them. Not long ago I came across one of those signature cards and noticed these words written in yellow pencil at the bottom of the card: "I feel like we are somebody important, and I know that we are." When I read those words, I thought, "What was I thinking as a little girl? I feel like we're someone important, and I know that we are." At first it made me chuckle, but those words kept going through my mind over and over. "What was I thinking?"

And finally I realized that inside every one of us, even as little children, the voice of God is saying, "You are made in My image. You are valuable, you are significant, and you are important in this life." But sometimes life tries to drown out that voice and devalue us. Unfair things happen. People talk negatively about us. Somebody walks out of our life. I realize now that struggles and problems try to silence His voice, and we have to allow that voice to be strong in us. What really matters is who you are! You may feel insignificant, but God sees you as valuable. He sees you as important to His plan.

How you feel and what life has done to you doesn't change the value of your life in the eyes of God. A hundred dollar-bill that looks like it's gone through the washer and dryer has the exact same value as a brand-new crisp hundred dollar-bill. It doesn't matter if life has put some wrinkles in you or if you feel like you've gone through the wringer. You have value, you have importance, and you have significance today!

Remember, you "are God's masterpiece" (Ephesians 2:10). You are a masterpiece in His eyes! He's already qualified you, and He's left nothing out of you. Keep His voice clear and free from the debris of life. Spend your life well and make it count. Our great God has put so many amazing things in you, and He "has created you anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." How you live your life really matters!
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