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Wired For Power
By Victoria Osteen - Oct 24, 2017

Can you imagine living in a beautiful house that's wired with electricity but the house sits in darkness because you didn't go to the breaker box and flip on the switch? No lights. No appliances. No power. It would be crazy to live without power when it's available to you.

Yet many people never switch on the power that God has wired us for. They're not even aware they have to turn it. How do we turn on this power? Romans 10:9–10 not only tells you how to get wired, but it tells you how to flow in the power. The apostle Paul says, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved."

When you make Jesus the Lord of your life by saying, "I believe God sent His Son to die on the cross for my salvation," you go from a house that has no wiring to being fully wired. And to switch on the power that is in you, it is with your heart that you believe and with the mouth that you confess. That is the switch that turns on the power! If you are a believer today, you have the Lord Jesus on the inside of you. The Spirit of God dwells inside you, so you're fully wired! But are you tapping into His power?

I talked to a believer the other day who told how his severely declining health caused him to realize that his life was powerless. When he asked God why, he said, "I felt in my heart and saw in the spirit something like sewage swirling around in my thoughts! I had been thinking these poisonous thoughts and confessing these negative, critical thoughts about myself for so long that it drained the power right out of me!" When he began to believe and confess the promises of God over his life, his health began to be restored. He was fully wired, and he finally turned the power on.

How do you flip the power switch? When you're feeling like you're never good enough, believe with your heart and confess with your words, "No, I'm fearfully and wonderfully made!" When you start feeling sick, confess, "No, God is my healer!" When people are talking down about you, confess, "No, I don't listen to that. I only repeat what God says about me! That's my confession! That's what I believe in my heart!" Use your words as weapons, and you'll see the power in you come forth with great strength!

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