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Turn on the Switch
By Victoria Osteen - Sep 15, 2015

So many times we think our trouble is coming from natural circumstances—the light bill, our spouse, a coworker. We think, "If that would change, things would get better." But the Bible says that our struggles are not against flesh and blood. The real enemy isn't what we can see. Our battle is in the heavenly realms, against the principalities of the air. (See Ephesians 6:2) That's why prayer is a spiritual weapon in the life of the believer.

Think of it this way: let's say you walk into a dark living room and you stub your toe on an ottoman, then step on a toy, and walk into a coffee table. You might think the problem is that ottoman was in the wrong place, the toy wasn't picked up,  and the coffee table is too big but truthfully, you could navigate the room if you first turned on the light switch. That's because light chases away darkness. The same is true in the spiritual realm. When we focus on the things of God through prayer and reading the word of God, you are turning on the light switch so you can navigate your life!

Joel and I have been married nearly three decades. I feel so blessed to have such a godly man of prayer. He doesn't pray because He has to. He prays because he knows his life depends on it. He knows he needs to turn on the light switch to make clear decisions according to God's plan.

I want to remind you today that Jesus separated Himself for prayer. Prayer takes discipline. It takes focus. It takes commitment. But wouldn't you rather go through life with the light on? We make time for what's important to us. What would happen if you woke up 10 minutes early to turn in the switch of prayer?

"You, Lord, are my lamp; the Lord turns my darkness into light" (II Samuel 22:29, NIV).

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