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Release Your Cares
By Victoria Osteen - May 10, 2016

Scripture tells us to release our cares and concerns to God. It's not always easy. It takes effort and trust, but there's one thing I've found that helps me tremendously. You see, God has given us an amazing imagination. He designed us to see the future in our mind's eye. Our thoughts determine and drive our actions. Anytime I feel worried or anxious about anything, I have this visualization I do as I pray and cast my cares. For every care I have, I imagine that I have a helium-filled balloon. I attach that care to that balloon, and as I pray, I imagine myself releasing that balloon to heaven and saying, "Here You go, God…it's all Yours!" As I see it float away in my mind, it is representative of the fact that my cares and concerns are floating away, too.

Sometimes, I have a whole bouquet of helium balloons that I release. But no matter what is happening, I've found that simple little tool helps me to let go so much more easily.

Why don't you release your balloons today? Let go of all your cares, concerns or offenses and give them over to God. You can accomplish so much more when you allow His peace to fill your heart. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Let's live our days in the blessing and freedom that comes when we release our cares to Him.

"Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall."  (Psalm 55:22, NLT)

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