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Power in Connection
By Victoria Osteen - Apr 01, 2016

All through scripture, we see that Jesus went around laying hands on the sick and they recovered. We also see that power flowed out of Him when a woman touched just the hem of His garment. We are told in scripture that believers are to lay hands on the sick and pray for them. There is power in prayer, there is power in agreement, and there is power when we lay hands on people. When we connect with others and with God, miracles happen.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me." They crawled into His lap. He embraced them. Can you imagine what He deposited into those children in that moment through that connection? I guarantee those children were never the same. Those children went away blessed! 

Today, I encourage you to keep making connections with your loved ones. Pray for them, reach out to them and love them. There may be some people in your family that you have grown tired of praying for. Maybe you have someone in your life who always calls for prayer but never takes your advice. We all know those kinds of people. But Jesus never said, "I'm tired of praying for these people." We need to pray for them anyway. We need to reach out. We need to believe for others until they are able to believe for themselves.

As my children were growing up, every day before they went to school, I would always take time to lay my hands on them and pray for them. Now that they are older, when I begin to pray, they lean into me. They look for that connection. They feel the blessing through the power of touch.

Maybe you didn't raise your children this way. Maybe you've never prayed for them before, but you can start today. Right now, you can speak blessing over them and pray for them. Next time you see them, hug them and say, "I bless you in the name of Jesus." Instead of spending all of your time correcting your children or the people you love, spend time connecting with them. Don't look at what's wrong, but pull out what's right instead. If you'll connect with your children and loved ones, I believe you'll see them leaning into you more. Start today. Follow the example of Jesus, lay loving hands on people when you pray, and watch what God will do through the power of touch!

"Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray." (Matthew 19:13, ESV)
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