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Don't Let Worry Steal the Moment
By Victoria Osteen - Jan 05, 2016

Have you ever dreaded something you had do to, then when it was all over, you realized it wasn't so bad? Maybe you were worried about taking a new job, or going back to school, or pursuing some other dream in your heart.

We've all been there. One time I was dreading something so much that I had to talk myself through each step. I thought, "Okay, if I can just get through this one thing first, then I can tackle the next thing, then I'll get through that, and then I'll do this." But when I finally got through it all, I realized, "Wow. That was actually fun!" But, I didn't enjoy it because I let anxiety and worry steal my moment.

I believe God is saying to us in 2016, "This is your moment, this is your time! Enjoy it! I am with you and I am empowering you." I believe we need to follow the example of Abraham and Sarah. God promised them a child. He promised that Abraham would be the father of many nations and all of the world would be blessed through him. But Sarah was 90 and Abraham almost 100. I'm sure they were tempted to worry about how that would happen. They even tried to take matters into their own hands. However, it says in Romans that they "considered God to be faithful." I can just imagine that they looked at their circumstances and then looked at God; and when they considered Him, they turned their worry into worship. They said, "God, You made us a promise. We know You're faithful. You spoke it and You will bring it to pass!" And sure enough, Sarah conceived a son.

This year, don't let worry steal from you. Instead, why don't you turn your worry into worship? Consider God; meditate on Him and His promises. Praise and thank Him for His faithfulness. Let Him fill you with His joy which is His strength. Just like Sarah and Abraham, when you rest in Him, He will cause you to conceive whatever you need to fulfill your destiny!
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